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Is It Easy to Get a Job in the Eu as an American

How to Find Paid and Unpaid Work in Europe

Job Opportunities in the EU are Scarce for Foreigners

By Volker Poelzl
Updated by Transitions Abroad 6/10/2019

Work in London and visit Piccadilly Circus
Piccadilly Circus in London.

The countries composing the European Union have always attracted a large number of expatriate Americans, in part because of Europe's culture, history, and scenic beauty, but also because the continent enjoys a relatively high standard of living. Even now, over a 1.6 million Americans currently call Europe their home — from teachers to interns to digital nomads to corporate employees in financial centers. The draw of what is the "Old World" for many North American citizens remains unabated. Realistically, the stringent work regulations since the formation and expansion of the EU have diminished the prospects for Americans to find work in Europe. Some European countries have also joined the protectionist trend in light of current political events. Yet there are still jobs available for foreigners in a variety of fields and roles, though far greater determination, research, and networking on the part of those seeking work is required than in developing world countries. Below we explore options for people who are interested in working in Europe but do not have European citizenship or a residency permit.

Get Your Foot in the Door and Network

Few European employers will be interested in hiring Americans who have little or no work experience in Europe. This is why you need to try to gain international experience early in your professional career, even earlier through an internship(s) in Europe, if possible. If you are determined to work in Europe, get your foot in the door by learning a European language and pursuing a summer job, language course, internship, study abroad program, or volunteering in the country that interests you the most. Doing so allows you to gain exposure to the life and work culture of a given country, as well as visa and work permits requirements, tax laws, benefits, rights, and obligations, etc. as an employee in the European Union. And when you apply for a real job in Europe later on, your previous experience living in the country or the working world will prove very useful. Remember, networking is overwhelmingly the best way to find work worldwide since it helps open doors to options you did not believe available, especially where there is less demand.

Foreign Language Skills in Europe are Key

If you want to successfully compete with local candidates for a job in Europe, you need to prove that your skills exceed those of your competitors. For many jobs, fluency in the local language is essential, and having a working knowledge of French, Spanish, German, or Spanish will significantly improve your chances of getting a job offer. There are also many multinational companies that are looking for American or English-speaking candidates. However, keep in mind that during times of economic slowdown, fewer multinational companies are planning an expansion of their overseas operations. However, New York is now getting strong competition for corporate jobs as a financial center from cities such as London, Frankfurt, and Milan.

Do your Homework Before Deciding to Work in Europe

Each country has its own procedures and etiquette for job-seekers. Instead of learning from your own mistakes, it is better to learn about the details of the job application process ahead of time. Buy a book about Living and Working in the country that interests you or research on the Web to gather as much information as possible. The job application process varies from country to country. Many countries in Europe have very bureaucratic and meticulous requirements, such as official certificates and diplomas documenting your education, training, and past work experience that often need to be accompanied by certified translations in the local language. The new EU Blue Card offers some pathways to work in Europe for people from selected countries, including the U.S.

Well-Paid Jobs in Europe for Highly Skilled Professionals

Having professional skills that are in great demand in the destination country is one way to get a job offer from a European company, and transfer from companies based in Europe with branches in the U.S. is a great long-term plan. Unfortunately, due to strict labor laws, Americans have a significant disadvantage over Europeans when it comes to finding a job in the European Union. Citizens of the EU can work in any member country of the EU without a work permit, but Americans need an employer to sponsor their work visa. And even if you are lucky enough to get a job offer in the EU, your employment contract still needs to be approved by the respective Labor Department, which will determine if you are the best candidate and if your position could also be filled by a local candidate. However, most European countries have shortages of skilled professionals in certain fields, such as engineering, information technology, healthcare, and teaching. If you fall into this category, your application for a work permit will be speedily expedited, and you have a good chance of getting approved. In addition, if you do land a job as a skilled professional, protection from being laid off from your work is many times more stringent than the U.S. due to labor laws that protect workers. As mentioned previously, there are many multinational companies based in or with branches in Europe, and if you speak the language, have the needed skills, it is possible to find work and receive a lucrative expat package.

Internships in Europe

There are paid internships offered by companies and organizations all across Europe that are aimed at young people regardless of their academic status. Check out our Internships in Europe section. Most internships are concentrated in Spain, some in Italy and Germany, though BUNAC does offer internships in England. Often there is a fee associated with an internship program, but in terms of building an international resume, in a time when unpaid internships are so common among college graduates in the U.S., the investment can be well worth the cost in the eyes of future employers at home and abroad.

Teaching English Abroad in Europe

The job market for English teachers in Western and Central Europe has tightened in recent years, either due to decreased demand or the overabundance of qualified native English speakers. Many language institutes and schools across Europe require a TEFL or CELTA certification in addition to a college degree, as is the case in more and more countries worldwide. Preference is usually given to English-speakers who are already citizens or legal residents, but there are exceptions when it comes to teaching jobs in Europe. However, in the new member countries of the EU in Eastern Europe, non-EU citizens still have a good chance of landing an English teaching job.

Visas for Freelancers and Digital Nomads

As Europe's population rapidly ages, there is a constant demand for young entrepreneurs and professionals who can inject new ideas and entrepreneurial skills into European economies, either by opening businesses or by working as highly skilled self-employed professionals. If you fall in this category, you do not need a job offer. All you need is to demonstrate exceptional professional skills and enough funds to get started. Europe's major economies all offer such programs. Germany has enacted a ban on recruiting foreign labor for unskilled and less-skilled workers, and even for the most skilled workers. However, the government still allows self-employed professionals to live and work in Germany if your planned business or activity is expected to have a positive economic effect.

There is always the option for digital nomads to create blogs and websites allowing them to sustain themselves while living in Europe. The key is navigating the EU and independent visa process — which has been accomplished by many but is no easy task in this era of protectionism.

Short-Term, Student, and Seasonal Work in Europe

Unless you have highly desirable job skills that cannot be performed by a local, or have a convincing business start-up plan, significant amounts of investment funds, your only other options are seasonal jobs or working under the table. There is a great need for seasonal and temporary workers across Europe, especially in agriculture, construction, the hospitality industry, and tourism. If you are OK with lower wages and temporary employment in exchange for a longer time abroad, you will probably be able to find work and make enough money to get by in Europe and even save a little bit. Some EU countries have made it fairly easy to get work permits for seasonal work, but your salary will be little more than the minimum wage. There are several programs and organizations that are referred to in Short-Term and Summer Jobs in Europe that can help you get a temporary or seasonal work permit. If you opt to work under the table, keep in mind that you are competing with legal seasonal workers from developing countries and that many European countries impose heavy fines on businesses that hire illegal workers.

If your dream is to live and work in Europe, it is primarily a matter of research and determination.

Volker Poelzl is a Living Abroad Contributing Editor for He has traveled in over 40 countries worldwide and has lived in ten of them for study, research and work.


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